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My Story 

I'll never forget the day that I was sitting in the back of 8th grade Algebra class, and I was writing poetry.


"My life is going in a circular pattern. Running round like the rings of Saturn."


These two lines were the first inkling, albeit unconscious, that I was experiencing Bipolar Disorder. Three years later, I broke down to my parents. I asked them for help, and they sent me to a psychologist. Not wanting to influence the doctor's diagnosis, I didn't tell him what I suspected was my issue. He diagnosed me with ADD and prescribed me Adderall. While my grades did improve, the Adderall  only seemed to exacerbate my mood swings. Three years after that and after failing out of my first college, I received the diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder. On the tail end of what I can in retrospect identify as a spiritual experience but what the doctor's called a full blown manic episode, I found myself highly medicated, closing off my newly awakened abilities. I managed to scrape my way through college by shear grit, but I was still miserable. The medicines that we tried to level me out, when they weren't giving me seizures, flattened my emotional spectrum, allowing neither highs nor lows. Instead, I was left with a dull-monotonous existence unable to experience life on the sensual levels that make life worth living. At the very end of 2014, I hit my rock bottom. I lost my job, I lost the woman that I had been seeing, and I lost all desire to go on. I downed four months worth of Adderall in a week and a half. While it didn't kill me, it did deplete me of all my neurotransmitters, and left me bed ridden for roughly three weeks. By the grace of God, my best friend and roommate convinced me to go back home to live with my parents.


It was there that I began my healing journey. I gave up all the medications cold turkey, and began seeking what sobriety and my center looked like. I came across healing modalities like meditation and Laughter Yoga. These were the first two practices that I dove into. Coupled with changes to my diet and the adoption of an exercise regimen, I began to experience, for the first time in my adult life, a stable emotional spectrum. Within two years of my rock bottom experience, I had reacquainted myself with my center using these all natural approaches. 


With this newfound stability, I set out on a journey of self-discovery. I traveled the United States searching for home and inspiration, trying to see just how far this transformation could take me. I found my home in Taos, New Mexico, where I currently reside. For over five years now, I've been diving deep into my own being, as well as accumulating a wealth of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual practices that have revolutionized the way that I see health and wellbeing. I jumped head first into my lifelong passion for writing, and have since published my first book, with multiple more on the way. I have steeped myself in the process of Self-Mastery, and now, it is time for me to share what I have learned with the world. Consider this an invitation to join me on the path of discovering our unlimited potential!

Flower vase
Green tea

My Philosophy

My philosophy is simple. We are all born with an infinite potential to be and express in whatever way we want. It is our natural state to thrive. What shapes us as individuals is our pure essence, our soul, and the environment that we grow up in. Because modern society has developed so rapidly and with such little prudence, that environment that is shaping us is very sick and not in alignment with our natural state of being. We eat foods that are full of chemicals and preservatives that interfere with our hormones and neurotransmitters, fueling disease and mental disorder. Beyond that, we stack humans on top of each other in cities and suburbs and tell them that strangers are dangerous, so your next door neighbor becomes another person in the way, not a vital part of your community. Our technologies have run away from us, fomenting division and further disconnection from our natural communities. Now, it’s not all doom and gloom. We simply need to take a moment before racing off the cliff and reintegrate modernity into the natural order of things. Amidst all the ailments of modern society, there are blessings. We now have access to more information than we have ever had in recorded history. Ancient practices of spiritual traditions are being affirmed by modern science. Those same technologies that are fueling division can allow us access to one another in unprecedented ways. With an inward journey, we can reconnect with that pure essence that we are born with, and develop a true and right relationship with the highest aspects of our being, and it doesn’t have to look like sitting in a monastery our whole lives. We can journal. We can reconnect with our breath. We can sit in silence and meditate. We can walk in nature. We have access to organic foods. We can learn our bodies' natural diet. All of these are vehicles back to our natural state of being: thriving. Once we begin to bring ourselves back into harmony, we can meet the greater community with a higher level of coherence as well, and suddenly, your neighbor looks like a loving friend not a dangerous stranger. This may sound like a utopian dream, but I have felt the power of this reintegration process first hand, and I know within every fiber of my being that this dream can become our reality if we simply dare to share it. Will you share this dream with me?

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